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Thursday, October 11, 2007

How To Get Referrals?

Some good ways to get referrals are by joining forums. Add your signature and responds to posts normally and offer valuable information. Try to avoid unnecessary drama. This will sometimes give people a bad view of you and can also make you lose a potential referral. If you offer alot of good advice, people will click on your signature out of curiosity. If you are new to a forum, don't spam it with "Look How I Make Money" posts. You haven't given them any credibility to trust you yet, so why should they?

Another good way of getting referrals is by being a great upline. Don't just sign people up and leave them hanging. Offer some tips and help them get referrals. Keep contact with them and give them your IM to answer any questions they may have. If your downline is successful, you will be too. :)

Have any tips you want to share? Leave a comment.


All Things Dis said...

Hey Ginene. I've put up a new trivia question, if you want to take a guess at it

Ginene said...

Alrighty I'll be there.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's sites like "Look How I Make Money" that get none of my attention because they are too overzealous for my taste! After you have seen a few, you just continuously pass the others over as well.

'Mind Of Marcus' BlogSpot
The Mind For Evolution Is Here

Ginene said...

I agree. I never even click on the links that sound unbelievable. Even if they are the truth, it just sounds like a lie.